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Michael Bright - Dadmin

Get your Mental Health in Shape, with Exercise!

This weekend DadSpace hosted our first “EXTRA” event, fully funded by our recent Scafell Pike Hike!

After a quick welcome from Denver he handed over to Dom the Gym owner and personal trainer, then we dived straight into a warmup. Once the blood was pumping we paired up for some reaction games and the losers found themselves doing dreaded burpee’s!

The warm weather was a challenge, but it didn’t put anyone off their stride as we moved onto an activity circuit. Each pair took on battle ropes, hammer swing, ski pulls and 100Kg sled push, followed by some planks and stretches.

This high intensity approach was quite daunting at first for some of the members who had no experience with martial arts or ever been to a gym before. At DadSpace, we promote Brotherly Support Between Fathers, so the challenges were shared out. Proud to say that there was lots of encouragement for those that needed motivation.

With the sun beating down, we moved inside to experience some boxing training. After a quick brief, we geared up and cycled partners for 4-5 rounds of exhausting pad work. The sweat was dripping at this point, but everyone gave it their all. This exercise was clearly one of the favourites amongst the group, as it put the dads face to face with each other.

Much banter was had here, Brother to Brother, which you just won't get from online only support groups.

Finally we finished with some calming meditation and breathing techniques, to relax and bring us back into the room.

Once recovered, we gathered in a circle and rated our mental health and experience of the day out of 10. It was unanimous, there is something tribal about physical experiences like this. With our busy lives, modern responsibilities, the many forms of social media and entertainment on tap, people just don’t get to experience this raw feeling of exhaustion and emotion any more.

At DadSpace we strive to build each others confidence every session. This was a physical display of that mentality. It's invigorating and inspiring.

Don't let this multi experience gym session put you off coming to the next one, there was something for everyone and no-one was left out. This session was funded by DadSpace and hosted at Fitter Stronger Faster Gym. Lead by gym owner and award winning personal trainer and Dominic Plumb.

Thank you Dom for your time and continued support, we look forward to hosting more of these fitness sessions with you in the future!

Checkout Doms website for more information:

Thank you to all of the Dads that attended this fantastic session too! DadSpace is just a "Space", without you.

We will share dates of our next Gym event shortly. Our next in person event is in two weeks time, Sunday the 25th June. This event will be a walk & talk, which are usually very popular.

Check our calendar and follow us on social media for more news and events!

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