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Celebrating our first DadSpace Summer Garden Party! - Saturday 29th July 2023

Wow, what an evening of fun we had, celebrating our families and the friendships we have made since DadSpace began back in 2021. We could not have had better weather and being nestled in the woods at Reuthe's Lost Gardens of Sevenoaks really created a family party atmosphere.

We had lots of activities on offer from face painting to home made bake sale, the woodland trail, raffle with over 30 donated prizes and fantastic live music by the Leigh Hayward band. A highlight of the evening was special guest singer, Rob King! Rob is indeed Denvers dad, so it was a heart warming end to a perfect family themed event.

Why the big celebration? Two years ago when Denver considered inviting fathers to come together and “talk” about their Mental Health, he never thought people would turn up… Fast forward 2 years and DadSpace has supported and listened to more than 450 fathers! In this time we have managed to provide 3 regular DadSpace locations, a number of guest speakers and many more themed family events, completely FREE of charge to families in Maidstone and Sevenoaks.

How do we do it?

Since January, we have fundraised over £3,000, through our Scafell Pike Hike and various partnerships and donations from local businesses. We are very proud of this achievement. Evidently so are Kent County Council (KCC) who have just secured DadSpace additional funding from Kent and Medway Better Mental Health and Wellbeing Community Fund, specifically to help with the launch of more DadSpace locations across the South East. Thank you to KCC, we greatly appreciate the support and recognition of our efforts.

The DadSpace admin team has also grown from 1 man with an idea to 4 dads. Denver thanked Michael, Rob and Vee for their time and support. It is surprising just how much effort goes on behind the scenes to make DadSpace the beacon of "Brotherly Support Between Fathers" that it is today.

"Knowing where DadSpace began, and what it has become today is testament to the hard work of Team. It also highlights the importance and value that these sessions deliver. They are definitely needed." Michael Bright - Co-Director DadSpace

Thank you all for your support!

A huge “THANK YOU” to everyone for their support and attending this event, we raised over £800 through ticket sales, raffle tickets and donations on the day!

Please consider leaving a review for DadSpace on Trust Pilot and Reuthe's Lost Gardens of Sevenoaks on Trip Advisor as they kindly donated their location, time, many raffle prizes and food to the event for free!

If you missed this event don't worry, all events for the rest of the year are listed on our calendar page, we look forward to welcoming you to a future event! Get in touch if you would like to get involved or sponsor a DadSpace event!

Thank you, from Team DadSpace!

Ps, we couldn't resist a few more Alpaca pics from the evening, the kids always love meeting these guys at Reuthe's!

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